Lucly Star and Akasa on PSP

>> Rabu, 23 Desember 2009

Title: Akane iro-ni somaru saka portable
Publisher : LukPlus
Developer : LukPlus
Genre : Bishoujo + AVG Game
Version : Japan CERO C (15+)
Available On : Play Station Portable (PSP)
Size : 912.09MB


Boleh juga nih buat yg pada gak kuat donlot VN nya.
ada versi yg lebih kecil lagi yaitu versi Portable xD
dan disini cuma dikasih rating 15+ lumayan aman brarti

Title : Lucky star net idol meister
Publisher : Kadokawa Shoten
Developer : Kadokawa Shoten
Genre : Simulation Game
Version : Japan CERO B (12+)
Available On : Play Station Portable (PSP)
Size : 1.04GB


Make your own net idol out of the Lucky Star girls.

You are in charge of creating the top net idol in the Akihabara district, the girl is to become the bridge between district and the population, she will appear in commercials and act as tour guides. What image are you going to design for her and what training are you going to put her through?

The four girls have different reasons for joining, for fun, for fame, for friends, for family. Take them through your training menu, make them learn to project their voices and take them to auditions and part times to increase her exposure.

There are numerous mini games, the higher the girl scores, the more fans she has. Your aim is that one big stage, prepare the girl and have her steal all spotlight as soon as she comes out.

saya terlalu males tuk mentranslate nya.
intinya tugas kita di game ini adalah untuk membuat idola baru dari chara2 lucky star

btw tentu semua game nya masih dalam bhs japan :D
n untuk Link DDL nya juga aku belom nemu. di IDWS ada tapi di hidden..
pakai torrent deh

2 komentar:

Anonim,  24 Desember 2009 pukul 07.48  

Nyaaa...Lucky Star 1 gb nanti coba ah.

Mirip2 ama Idolm@ster tuh gamenya.

Sannomiya "L" Kuro 14 Januari 2010 pukul 18.04

Disana ada link megauploadnya...

Saya perlu belajar bahasa jepang nih, lol

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